Feb 17Liked by Christine Keegan

I admit I'm one of *those* parents who only cares about my children's future... "happiness" is the wrong word, if one has studied a bit of philosophy, but it's the one easiest to understand. The only lifechoice that I can think of that would upset me is getting involved in a relationship that was abusive. I would do anything to help them get out of there. Or becoming addicted to something. And again, I'd do anything to help them. Those are my only worries. Obviously if any of them would intentionally hurt someone else, that would be upsetting too, but I can't imagine either of them actually doing that. They're kindhearted.

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I always come here if I have a moment with a cuppa for your words. Thank you so much for sharing your journey. This helped me all the way in Scotland as I raise my 3 children.

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Feb 12Liked by Christine Keegan

Been asking myself this same question SO MUCH lately... I'm a mom of six, ages 9-22 and feeling this deep. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Always enjoy reading them, and think we may be kindred spirits <3

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